Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I had a conversation with a friend once about the merits of bicycles, and my views on how laws should be applied. My stance at the time was that, as bikes pose no real risk to anybody, in comparison to cars, they should be given free rein to cycle on the pavement, in the middle of the road, down the wrong side of the road, anywhere they bloody well pleased. My friend called me a damn fool, or something similar at the time, but I was adamant. Matt, if you're reading this now, I was wrong. Enjoy my new bike as I do, it's quite a shock to be more terrified of my fellow cyclists than I am of my former enemies, the cars.

My return to England will no doubt be backed up by a new found respect for the order of cycling laws, but something I mustn't forget is that if I leave my bike unattended and unlocked in Britain, it will be gone within seconds.

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At Wednesday, January 17, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous couldn`t help but say...

It's amazing isn't it!! People are so fond of saying "It's like riding a bike" - a euphamism for saying that you never forget an old trick you once learned. Maybe you don't forget the TRICK, but you certainly forget the "conditions" of - in this case - bike riding. Enjoy your bike!!

At Friday, January 19, 2007, Blogger Kelly couldn`t help but say...

I loathe bikes. As an devoted car person (the result of growing up in a remote rural area where buses never dared to venture and cycling to civilisation was apt to kill you) they are the bain of my life and I live in fear of killing one of you as you kamakize your way through traffic.

- Penny in New Zealand


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