Saturday, December 09, 2006

Hayley, me & eighteen kids.

How did that happen? An entire week has gone by without me doing an entry...Christmas is approaching, Hayley and I have done the mother of all clean-up operations, and I have fulfilled a (hitherto secret) life-long ambition.

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At Saturday, December 09, 2006, Blogger Rouselle Rousseau couldn`t help but say...


At Saturday, December 09, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous couldn`t help but say...

Christopher? Is that you behind that beard? Why did you never tell me of your secret longing to be Father Christmas?

At Saturday, December 09, 2006, Blogger dataphage couldn`t help but say...

! ? !! ?!??!!!!! Oh how I wish I'd been there to see that. I'm glad you've got pictures.

I'm not sure I could do that. Imagine getting de-bearded and being responsible for one of life's more bitter epiphanies for 18 people all at once. The thought sends shivers down my spine.


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