Thursday, June 23, 2005

The names have been omitted to protect the partially responsible (and to cover my arse)

Every teenager in Japan can ask “How are you” and answer “I`m fine thankyou, and you?” Except those at this one school...the funny thing is, when I was there two months ago, they could. They could even say they liked something other than baseball. The first class that meets my impossibly cheerful “Good morning, how are you?” with row upon row of befuddled faces could almost be let slide (it was Monday after all). The second is a bit more serious. The third makes me wonder what the Japanese English teachers have been doing for the past two months.

This was going to be a passionately vitriolic entry about bad teachers and my horror that they`re placed in charge of young minds...since its inception, I`ve climbed down from my high horse somewhat, particularly after fulfilling my burning desire to take the reins from a certain unnamed teacher, and finding myself faced with a mob of sulky unmotivated teenagers. Experiencing just how difficult it can be, I suddenly felt slightly bad about the venom with which I`ve described him in the past, but he`s still a crap teacher. The same sulky teenagers are putty in the hands of another teacher at that school.

With my sails bereft of the winds of fury, my pontificating deflates like a farting balloon...I worked out a few weeks ago that if a teacher "fails" a student, then they have also quite literally failed as a teacher, but the teachers aren`t completely responsible, and you can`t blame society`s ills on children. It`s all too bleak, I`ve only been an assistant language teacher for two months, this is a rough school and I don`t want to preach...if you fancy a laugh after this malignant dwarf of an entry, then these suicidal rabbits (taken from my mate Ben`s website, but he nicked it from somebody else) should raise a black chuckle or two.

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At Saturday, June 25, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous couldn`t help but say...

Oh dear!! Don't be disillusioned Chris. There are good days and bad days, good classes and bad classes, in the life of ANY teacher. You can always find a reason for having negative feelings about this job, yet there are many moments that bring so much reward/return, that you can acquire a more balanced view of it all. Keep smilimg, and good luck with EVERYTHING!!

At Sunday, June 26, 2005, Blogger Shining Love Pig couldn`t help but say...

Cheers mum - actually, later that day I found myself planning a music lesson...


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