Friday, June 22, 2007

The dreams of the boy are those of the man.

I staggered out of bed this morning, grumpy, drowzy, stiff, barely articulate and fiercely reluctant to go to school. I arrived bang on eight, only to be greeted by the Principal and told that my lessons were cancelled, and my presence wasn't required. He was actually quite embarrassed that my company hadn't been contated to let me know. Naturally, I was very understanding, and not in the least bit cross. What a great start to the weekend.

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At Friday, June 22, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous couldn`t help but say...

Ha Ha

At Wednesday, June 27, 2007, Blogger Rouselle Rousseau couldn`t help but say...

I mis-typed your address as blah blah blah blogsopt or similar and got redirected to a bible-school web-page


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