Thursday, February 08, 2007

What have you done to me?!

Even in English, I struggle to tell hairdressers what I want. I'm going to get so teased at school tomorrow...

...thankfully Hayley & I are off to Hakone after to follow...

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At Thursday, February 08, 2007, Blogger dataphage couldn`t help but say...

Bloody hell, they've stretched your ear!

At Thursday, February 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous couldn`t help but say...

My god!! What have they done to you?

At Friday, February 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous couldn`t help but say...


At Friday, February 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous couldn`t help but say...

Okay I've got over the shock now and had a closer look - I actually think the hair is okay but not with the beard - I think its time to say goodbye to your facial hair

At Friday, February 09, 2007, Blogger Rouselle Rousseau couldn`t help but say...

Sorry, it's not actually too bad...remember when you dyed it blue and had it done in all those ratty little plaits?

Seriously, this isn't a disaster at all! I rather like it but your head must be cold.

At Saturday, February 10, 2007, Blogger Jeefunk couldn`t help but say...

I was about to say that any friend of Datphage was a friend of mine... until i saw that haircut.

At Monday, February 12, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous couldn`t help but say...

I have to agree with Matt... the facial hair really should go...
The haircut does rather look like it should have a ratty little plait at the back. Not a complete disaster though by any means.


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