Friday, January 04, 2008

Sayonara Sale

B'Jayzuz, we have some stuff to get shot of before we leave...if anyone fancies a peek, here is a website cataloguing the aforementioned. Dozo, irasshaimase.


At Friday, January 04, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous couldn`t help but say...

Have you thought of E-bay?

At Saturday, January 05, 2008, Blogger Shining Love Pig couldn`t help but say...

Not until now

At Monday, January 14, 2008, Blogger Rouselle Rousseau couldn`t help but say...

you'll regret selling that nice brown chair...

At Tuesday, February 05, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous couldn`t help but say...


I hope that I haven't really done your head in by leaving a post on your blog. I have been thinking about the way things fell apart between us and I am really sorry that I was such a bad friend to you. Please will you get in touch?

At Monday, February 11, 2008, Blogger Shining Love Pig couldn`t help but say...

Hi - I can't access your profile now, but I would like to get in touch.

Here is my email address



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