Saturday, October 15, 2005

Sanja Matsuri

Yet another entry is being drawn out of the distant past. Hopefully I`ll be contemporising and waffling speculatively again...

So, a Matsuri is a festival. They`re usually sponsored by a local shrine or temple...the Temple in question for this particular shin-dig is the truly stunning Sensoji...

market street leading to Temple

Buddhas Asakusa, which is where I spent the first ten days or so. Great start to the whole experience - Asakusa is a pretty quiet part of Tokyo, but it`s still rather crowded. It offers modern and historical Japan in bite-sized, easy to manage chunks. When I arrived there I really wanted all the cars to vanish so I could take photos of the cityscape...thankfully Sanja Matsuri is huge.

Look Mum!  No cars!

no comment

Something in the region of 100 Omikoshi are jostled through the streets...


...down the aforementioned market street...

oops...dropped my wallet...

coming through...

child sized Omikoshi

...on to the Temple itself.



nearly there...


It`s brilliant. If anybody finds themselves in Tokyo, roughly the second weekend of May, bloody go to Asakusa.

She bangs the drums

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At Saturday, October 15, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous couldn`t help but say...

Some great photos Chris, but I prefer reading your texts. They are much more entertaining, and they are a piece of the REAL Chris!! xx

At Monday, October 17, 2005, Blogger Shining Love Pig couldn`t help but say...

Indeed...`twas a weak entry...ran out of steam, but really, it was almost four months ago...and I always said I`d never respond to my critics...

At Tuesday, October 18, 2005, Blogger BY couldn`t help but say...

Good piccies mate.

At Tuesday, October 18, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous couldn`t help but say...

Dear Agent Nomeshag, A little less of the old how's your father and you'd have more lead in your pencil to write a longer piece. Now get on with the mission and stop dilly dalling around. MMM

At Wednesday, October 19, 2005, Blogger Shining Love Pig couldn`t help but say...


At Friday, October 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous couldn`t help but say...

Agent Nomeshag have you forgotten your code name already, all those martini's, cigars and late night games of blackjack at the casino no doubt, your making the foreign office a laughing stock in the corridors of Whitehall, what progress do you have to report, are those blasted kids dazed and confused yet or are they likely to trash our fine sturdy oak like minnos at the annual international star spell contest again this year. The PM doesn't want to see that tory Eammon Holmes sniggering at him from the television screen again. Remember your mission is one of disruption, if anyone can cause the collapse of an ancient civilisation it is you. We have every faith in you, remember dog is god and god is dog. MMM

At Friday, October 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous couldn`t help but say...

Hello dear, thank you for your letter which I read langorously over a HUGE cup of tea. Weather is here, wish you were nice


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