Thursday, November 02, 2006 100th post!...and a resolution...

Yes indeed, truly the heights of the Kawasaki social calendar are the cock fest & the Halloween Parade - Kanagawas' biggest festival of its kind - people come from all over the prefecture to dress up & dance up like a fool...pictured is Father Murray and myself, sporting a fine effort courtesy of my fair maiden, in honour of Wasureki san, who appears to have vanished...although the costume looks unwieldy, it doesn't stop one from dancing, as Hayley proudly demonstrates in this video...

Crumbs - there isn't a lot I can do, save show pictures of this momentous event...I was particularly taken with these characters... was everyone in fact...making similar waves in terms of effective make-up was a manifestation of the infernal Ronald McDonald...

The route through Kawasaki Centre had us following a Monsterified Techno-Wagon, dancing merrily away. Choice characters were selected to lead the revellers from the tops of the huge amplifiers, thus...

Brilliant stuff, although my highlight was scaring a little girl. Her big brother was incredibly amused.

...and now, a resolution...

Coming here has taught me a thing or two about myself...maybe when I first arrived, I had grandiose plans to master the language and set the foundation for a career in teaching....this far away from home, and alone as I was for the first six months, it's easy to lose touch with yourself and what you enjoy doing. What I really enjoy doing is, by Thor, I'll write.

First up, I'm going to make the effort to update this blog every day. All the extra work I've taken on recently might make this impossible, but it's a goal to set myself. Consequently, it probably means a change in writing style - less pseudo-scholarly generalisations, more journalistic pontifications...and as if that wasn't enough...

The more observant of you may have noticed two new blogs in the links menu - My Blog of Anger and My Blog of Lucidity...these were conceived after a very stressful the name of the first one implies, you will not find a balanced arguement therein....that's where the other one comes in...although, a hairs breadth away from writing my first post, I am feeling less than lucid...

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At Thursday, November 02, 2006, Blogger Nick couldn`t help but say...

Best of luck, but beware; writing ain't all it's cracked up to be in my experience (although I have to admit it's made me a living for a number of years).

At Friday, November 03, 2006, Blogger dataphage couldn`t help but say...

Likewise, beware the illusion of insight, even more so the idea of independendant direction. It just aint there (although that may be only in my case (also note the use of brakets to absent responsibility - usefult tool that)).

At Friday, November 03, 2006, Blogger dataphage couldn`t help but say...

Apologies, that sounded a bit negative. Go for it!


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