Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Where I'm at

Frantic couple of days, thinking I was going to be up a mountain teaching english to about five people - not neccessarily a bad thing. Amazing what a simple spelling mistake can do...

...I now know that I'm going to be living here, in Saitama prefecture, lightly stroking the northern edge of Tokyo. A less informative, but brain-wrenchingly colourful and active Japanese website can be viewed thus.

They seem to be fighting the tide of urbanisation, if their pledge to create a "town of greenery and water based on history and the natural features of the area" is anything to go by. Sounds lush.


At Wednesday, March 16, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous couldn`t help but say...

I definitely think you should register a seal while you're there...


...or perhaps even a penguin.


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